Specialists in Energy Efficient Solutions

Residential or commercial, no matter the style of building, whatever the size of the job!  AVH Electrical Contractors have talented electricians ready to assist you with energy efficient alternatives for your home or business.

Energy efficient solutions are becoming increasingly important because their environmental benefits and ability to substantially reduce your energy bills.  With electricity prices continually rising, let AVH Electrical Contractors advise you how to save money with simple changes.

Energy Efficient Products — LED Lighting

  • We supply, install, maintain, and replace affordable LED lighting solutions, the eco-friendly future of lighting

LEDs help reduce your greenhouse gas emissions and comply with new building regulations.  This environmentally friendly technology can also add style to your home or business, increase energy efficiency, and provide real savings to your energy bills.

See below some of the many benefits of LED lights:

  1. Significantly longer operational life.
  2. Use around 1/3 less power than older styles of lighting.  Incandescent bulbs lose around 80% of their energy in the form of heat while LEDs convert around 80% energy into light.
  3. Require no delay or “warm-up” time.
  4. Produce minimal amounts of heat—they are a safer option for your home or business.
  5. Produce no ultra-violet (UV) light—ideal to illuminate sensitive or delicate objects.
  6. Contain no hazardous mercury, cadmium, lead, or halogen gases.
  7. These features combined allow for significantly reduced lifetime costs and overall maintenance.

Renewable Energy

  • Solar Energy Systems
  • Energy efficiency audits